Linda Adams
Vice President

Linda is an educator, local government consultant and registered professional planner. She is on the faculty of Capilano University’s School of Public Administration, where she teaches several courses for senior local government professionals, on topics such as Board governance, human resources, ethics, strategic planning, problem solving, policy development and land use planning. In 2016, she retired from a 25-year career in local government, which included eight years as senior planner for Salt Spring Island and twelve years as Chief Administrative Officer of the Islands Trust. Prior to that, she had diverse work experiences such as environmental planner, owner of a construction company and of a successful Kitsilano restaurant.
As a member of the Canadian Institute of Planning and the Planning Institute of BC, Linda sits on PIBC’s Professional Conduct Review Committee. She is also a provincial appointee to the board of the Islands Trust Conservancy, volunteers with the Red Cross and is on the steering committee for 100 Women Who Care – Salt Spring Island. She provides governance advice to local governments in Jordan through a project of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.
While originally from Alberta, Linda moved to Salt Spring Island in 1986 and lived here for twenty years, raising two children. After a 10-year hiatus in Victoria, she and her husband returned to live on their Salt Spring property in 2016 where they enjoy gardening, outdoor recreation and supporting community initiatives.